What is the Temp Folder? What Does It Do?

What is the Temp folder? What does it do? The people of the century are living in the computer age, this information age is always improving itself and computer and internet technologies are advancing without slowing down.. This situation cannot and will not remain indifferent to anyone living in the world.

Therefore, almost everyone from 7 to 70 today uses computers.. However, most of the time we do not know and use some features on the computer.. However, there are some important steps that we need to do and take.. One of them is the folders on the computer.. So, What is the Temp Folder? Why should we clean? What does it do? How to delete? Let’s take a look at the answers to all these questions together.

What is a Temp Folder?

Temp folder is a storage space found on all computers. That is, they are the folders where temporary and unnecessary files are saved.. To put it more clearly, some files are saved here over time after the data processed on the computer.. As time passes, this folder fills up and causes your computer to slow down.. If desired, this folder can be cleaned and your computer will get rid of unnecessary files.

What Does the Temp Folder Do?

When you see the Temp folder on the C drive on the computer, “What does the temp folder do? benefit?” You can ask yourself a question. Also deleting the temp folder harm the computer?” You may have thought of a right question.

As it is known, some data after the processes used on computers and the unnecessary files created after this data are stored in the Temp folder.. Files stored in this folder will cause your computer to slow down over time.. Therefore, cleaning the temp folder would be a useful behavior.. Also, cleaning the inside of the temp folder does not harm the computer.. Because the important computer programs are not found in temp. Therefore, cleaning the inside of the temp folder will not cause any problems.. Even cleaning this folder will contribute to speed up your computer.

How to Delete the Inside of the Temp Folder?

Deleting the temp folders on the computer from time to time is an important factor in increasing the speed of your computer. will step. Doing this over time will be beneficial.. Well, how to delete the temp folder? If you want, let’s do this together in practice.

  • First of all, to access the temp folder, type ‘run’ instead of search from the start menu or use a shortcut from the keys. As a result, it will be sufficient to press the ‘win+R’ keys at the same time.
  • Then you need to type “%temp%” in the box that appears and press the enter key.
  • Then, in the temp folder that comes up, press CTRL+A (select all) from the shortcut keys and delete (Delete) all the files while they are selected.. Saying yes to the warning will be enough.
  • In this last step, you need to restart the computer.

You will have cleaned the temp folder by doing the steps presented above.. Thus, you will be able to use your computer more quickly.. Remember, it will be helpful to do this over time.

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