How to make an arrow sign from the keyboard? Where are the arrows on the keyboard? How to type arrow sign from keyboard? In this article, we told you how to make OK signs from the keyboard.. Here are the details.
There are over 100 keys on computer keyboards. Most of these keys consist of numbers and letters.. The remaining keys are functional keys.
Each key on the keyboard creates a number, letter or symbol.. With these keys on the keyboards, we can write these signs, numbers and letters anywhere.. However, some of the symbols on our keyboards cannot be used directly.
For example, the dollar symbol is located above the number 4 in the numbers section at the top of the keyboard.. We cannot create the dollar symbol by pressing this button.. To write the dollar symbol anywhere, we need to make a binary key combination. This key combination is also “Alt gr + 4” key combination. One of these keys can create the Dollar ($) symbol by pressing the number 4 while holding the Alt gr key.
Most symbols (#+&/€$₺ etc.) on the keyboards are created with this and similar key combinations.. Of course, the symbols that we can create on the keyboard on our computer are not only the symbols that we can see on the keyboards.. In addition, we can create hundreds of different symbols on computers with Windows operating system with key combinations that we can use on the keyboard.
One of the hundreds of different symbols and signs that we can create with key combinations is OK signs, which is our topic.. ( ↨, ↑,↓,→,←,↔ )
You can create these Arrow signs, which many users need at many points, especially in presentations and writing studies, with key combinations on the keyboard.
Now let’s look at how these arrow signs are created on the keyboard.
A different key combination is made for each different arrow sign.
↨ (alt 2 3 ) Press the number keys 2 and 3 respectively while holding down the alt key to create the sign.
↑ (alt 2 4 ) Up arrow To create the down arrow, press the number keys 2 and 4 respectively.
↓ (alt 2 5) To create the down arrow, press the number keys 2 and 4 while holding the alt key. Press 5 in that order.
→ (alt 2 6) Press the number keys 2 and 6 respectively while holding down the Alt key to create the forward (right) arrow.
← (alt 2 7) To create an arrow to the back (left) direction, press the number keys 2 and 7 respectively while holding down the Alt key.
↔ (alt 2 8) To create the sign, press the alt key and the number keys 2 and 8 respectively.
This key You can create these arrow signs simply on your keyboard with job combinations.
NOTE: You can also use these arrows wherever you want by applying the copy and paste method below if you wish.
( ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ↔ )
NOTE: If there is any problem with the keyboard keys or if your keyboard does not have Numpad, your computer’s screen you can operate the keyboard and apply these combinations. To open the on-screen keyboard of your computer, it will be sufficient to type the on-screen keyboard in the Windows search section and click on the application.
In this article, we told you how to create arrow signs on the keyboard.. You can tell us your questions and problems about the subject in the ”COMMENTS” section below.
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