Fix Windows 10 Double-Click and Self-Selecting Issue

If the folder on your device does not allow you to double-click when you want to click or select items such as files, when you move the mouse over the item, you can solve this problem in a few steps.

This is actually considered a problem. not allowed. It’s a case of the click options changing by default when you install Windows 10. But considering the old usage habits, it can become quite annoying. For example, you will go over the Computer item and make it selected, and after “right click” you want to click on properties in the options that open. But as soon as you hover over the computer item with the mouse, it becomes selected and you enter my computer until you right-click.

Let’s restore it as we are used to by following the steps below;

  • Click on the search option and type file explorer options as seen in the example below.
  • File explorer options are found, let’s click.
  • On the next screen, the File Explorer Options are opened as follows.
  • In the item click options, let’s select the “Double-click to open the item (single-click to select)” option and say Apply from the lower right corner of the window.

Operation complete. If you have the same problem for Windows 8.1 and below. You can search as Folder options instead of File explorer options.

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