iAd Case and Patented Mac Mini’s removable base

It’s a pretty weird title. I guess no more words are needed. Is there? Having been in enough trouble with patent lawsuits, Apple is trying to secure its features with patents as soon as it launches the Mac Mini. According to the hearings I have heard, a lawsuit has been filed again for the name iAd in the advertising industry, where Apple has recently undressed. The lawsuits that Apple has taken because of the name are incessant. The company, which could not give up the i tag, was sued because of the name of the last iPad. Now, the reason for the new lawsuit was the name of the mobile advertising platform named iAds. Online advertising firm Innovate Media Group, sued Apple in American courts for deliberate infringement of its trademark rights. Stating that they tried to contact Apple after the presentation, but they could not even get an answer, the company officials found the remedy in the court. The name iAds has 5 different brand registrations, and one of them is Innovate’s patent dated 2006, which describes the online advertising business quite well. Now the result of the court is awaited…

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