Countries and Languages ​​in German | I’m learning German

How are countries written in German? How are languages ​​written in German? What is the spelling of nationalities for male and female in German? The answer to all you are looking for is in this article.. In this article, we told you how countries and their languages ​​are written in German in tables.. Here are the details..

Countries and languages ​​are one of the main course topics in the introduction to German.. This subject, which is very easy to learn, is completely based on memorization.. All you have to do to learn is to memorize the German spellings of countries and languages ​​from the table below.

The most important point we should pay attention to in this regard is the articles used differently for men and women before the word you will use when describing which country you are a citizen of.. For example; The equivalent of the word Turk in German is ” der Türke ” for men, while for women it is ” die Türkin ”.

After the small details, let’s move on to our topic now.. Before moving on to the table of countries and languages ​​in German, let’s take a look at how the continents are written in German.

Here are the 7 continents in the world written in German!

German There is the article ”DAS” for the use of all continents in .


CONTINENT (TURKISH) CONTINENT (GERMAN) Asia Das Asien Europe Das Europa Africa Das Africa North America Das Nordamerika South America Das Südamerika Australia Das Australien Antarctica Das Antarctica

After learning the spelling of the continents in German, now immediately in German Let’s look at how countries and their languages ​​are written in. Before looking at the table, do not forget to take a look at the following note.

NOTE: Although many country names do not use articles in German, some country names also have articles. One of the countries with articles in German is our country Turkey.. *( Die Türkei )

COUNTRIES AND THEIR LANGUAGES (Die Länder und Ihre Sprache) :

COUNTRY DAS LAND DIE SPRACHE Turkey Die Türkei Türkisch Germany Deutschland Deutsch England England Englisch France Frankreich Französisch Italy Italien Italienisch Netherlands die Niederlande Niederländisch Portugal Portugal Portugiesisch Spain Spanien Spanischut Switzerland DIE Schweschut Denmark Poland Pollen Polnisch Sweden Schweden Schwedisch Belgium Belgien Deutsch – Französisch Greece Griechenland Griechisch Austria Österreich Deutcsh Russia Russland Russisch Syria Syrien Arabisch Bulgaria Bulgarien Bulgarisch America die USA Englisch Finland Finnland Finnisch

Countries and languages ​​in German table Let’s take a look at how nationalities are written in German right now..

The most important point that we should not pay attention to in this matter will be the articles that we will use for men and women when specifying nationalities.. As you can see in the table below, the article ”says is used for men and ”die” is used for women when describing nationalities. ( Die Nationalität ) :

*The word for nationality in German is: ” Die Nationalität ”

MILLIYET der Mann (man) die Frau (female) Türk der Türke die Türkin German der Deutsche die Deutsche English der Engländer die Engländerin French der Franzose die Französin Italian der Italiener die Italienerin Dutch der Niederländer Niederländin Portuguese der Portugiese die Portugiesin Spanish der Spanier die Spanierin Swiss der Schweizer die Schweizerin Danish der Däne die Dänin Polish der Pole die Polin Swedish der Schwede die Schwedin Belgian der Belgier die Belgier Greek der Grieche die Griechin Austrian der Österreicher die Österreicherin Rus der Russe die Russin

We learned the usage of nationalities for men and women in German. Now, let’s finish our topic with the little notes below.


WORLD die Welt CONTINENT der Kontinent COUNTRY das Land LANGUAGE die Sprache MİLLİYET die Nationalität


  • Woher kommst du ? (Where do you come from? )
  • Woher kommen Sie ? (Where do you come from? )
  • Ich komme aus der Türkei. ( I come from Turkey. )
  • Ich komme aus Deutschland.  ( I am from Germany. )
  • Was sprichst du ? ( What are you talking about ? )
  • Was sprechen Sie ? ( What are you talking about? )
  • Ich spreche Türkisch. ( I speak Turkish. )
  • Ich spreche Deutsch. ( I speak German. )

Note: ”aus” means “from” in German.

Note: In German, ” die Sprache ” means language. ” die Sprachen ” means languages.

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