Longer battery life with low-power displays

Teknoblog.com – The most power consuming unit in a laptop is undoubtedly the screen. Reducing the screen brightness also significantly extends battery life, but this can cause eye strain, especially in sunlight. While some companies are dealing with laptops and other parts of netbooks, others are looking for ways to increase this battery life.

The designer of the OLPC XO netbook, Mary Lou Jepsen, owns a start-up company. This company produces laptops with displays that consume very little power. These computers offer 20-40 hours of operation with a standard battery.

This is a really ambitious project… The screen of XO laptops already consumes one-tenth of the power consumed by traditional LCD screens, and it can be easily viewed in sunlight. If Jepsen’s new screens are better than OLPC XO’s, then the dream of notebooks and netbooks that can last two days without recharging will come true.

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