Adding RSS and Readers Buttons to your website

Internet users can subscribe to sites that regularly offer content with RSS technology and can follow the content through various RSS clients.. The site administrator or owner should make some technical arrangements to provide this service and send XML in the appropriate format when the RSS client requests it.. In addition to large sites such as Google, Yahoo MSN, and websites that provide Readers, its popularity has started to increase.. You can provide convenience to users by placing ready-made buttons for convenience.. For example, you can view it by looking at the bottom of our www.Digitalteknoloji.Net address.

Standard RSS Button

Icon you see on the side is standard rss button is valid in the whole web world.. You can create your own subscribers by adding the code below to any place where you want the RSS icon to appear.. width=”28″ height=”28″ gives the size of the icon, you can adjust the size of the icon by enlarging or reducing the numbers according to your site.

Add to Google

The most used search engine in the world and in our country provides Reader service on google. You can extract your site’s RSS feeds on the main page or serve only within the Reader menu.. When the button is clicked, Google will already ask users which service they want to use.. You can add the code below to any place you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to My Yahoo

Although Yahoo is not popular in our country, it is always up-to-date with many services it provides with a considerable user base.. For Yahoo Reader button You can add the code below anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to My AOL

AOL is short for America OnLine. It is the largest internet service provider in the USA and the world and is the legal brand of the company.. AOL provides services such as search engine, instant messaging (AIM), e-mail, as well as internet service provider.. You can add the code below for the MY AOL Reader button anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to My MSN

Saving its position with the advantage given by Microsoft, MSN gains the appreciation of users with many services it provides For the MSN Reader button You can add the code below anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to Bloglines

For Bloglines Reader button You can add the following code anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to Newsgator

For Newsgator Reader button The code below can be added to any button you want to appear on your site. You can add it anywhere.

Add to Netvibes

For Netvibes Reader button You can add the code below anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

Add to Pluck

For Courtesy Pluck Reader button You can add the following code anywhere you want the button to appear on your site.

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